October 27th 2015 is going to be a special date for me.
On that day I finally obeyed God’s leading to start a Christian youth
center in Millersburg, Ohio. I picked up my phone and made a call that
set the wheels in motion for what has been one of the most amazing rides
in my life! Since that day, God has been opening doors, knocking down
barriers, and confirming over and over that He is in charge and that
Tammy and I just need to follow His will and watch this become a
So what’s happening so far?
We are set up as a bonafide non-profit ministry and have come to an
agreement to purchase buildings downtown. We have talked with many
people who are excited to help support this new ministry through
volunteer time in the renovation process as well as financially. We are
constantly discussing ideas for what we can do with the teens and ways
we can help make their lives better. We are looking forward eagerly to
the day that we can really start reaching out to the hurting youth of
our area and letting them know that they are loved!
So how can you help?
First and always foremost is prayer! Pray for God’s guidance for us
as well as His provision! Pray for the teens that we will be reaching
out to. Pray for the staff and volunteers that will be serving in the
The immediate need right now is finances. We need to raise money for
the down payment on the buildings and commitments to regular monthly
support to show the bank that we will be able to make the payments and
operate the ministry. Once the buildings are purchased we will need
manpower and supplies for cleaning and renovations!
I am excited to watch God working! I am humbled that He would choose
me to be a part of this great work! I am proud to be serving alongside
of a great group of people who love God and have the same passion to
serve Him!
Thank you for taking an interest in this ministry. I hope you’ll be
around for the long haul because if the past four months are any
indication of what God intends to do, you won’t want to miss any of
what’s to come!
Stay tuned to this channel, I’ll do my best to keep you all up to date!